Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife is a groundbreaking Japanese Pop Punk band formed in 1981. The trio has played shows alongside Fugazi, Nirvana and Sonic Youth and are credited for bringing underground punk music to the international stage. Shonen Knife has always maintained a strong DIY ethic manifested in their carefree, nimble lyrical content and stripped down, delightful punk jams.
Session Tracklist
1. Banana Chips
2. Twist Barbie
3. Jump Into The New World
4. All You Can Eat
5. Ramen Rock
6. Riding on the Rocket
8. Buttercup (I'm a Super Girl)
Osaka, Japan
Band Members
Naoko Yamano - Guitar, Lead Vocals
Atsuko Yamano - Bass, Vocals
Risa Kawano - Drums, Vocals
Visit the band's website
For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.